We want to make homeschooling as easy as possible. We understand that times are hard, money is short and as parents we are stretched, but we are going to help you make your homeschool life as fun and creative as educational as possible.
Every parents has different strengths and weaknesses we will help maximize your strengths and support those areas you are not confident in.

Right now a mediocre homeschool experience is better than some of the best the public school is offering. My first 3 children all went to public school and college. They had serious gaps of education even though they went to a good school and had straight A’s. They still went onto college graduated and are doing well in their career paths they have chosen.
My younger two went to public school throughout elementary and started homeschooling in middle school-their gaps in education was astronomical! Huge!!!!! I had to start one of them all the way back in math and grammer.
Within a year she was where she needed to be educationally, emotionally, physically and most important spiritually.

Naturally Homeschool

I know it seems overwhelming at first, on top of parenting we now homeschool. We haven’t been trained and think we have to be able to teach our children ourselves in areas we don’t feel competent in.
Don’t worry! The difference between public school textbooks and homeschool textbooks are that in public school textbooks you need a teacher to explain and fill everything in, but with homeschool textbooks, the TEACHER IS IN THE BOOK!
Homeschool curriculum is written for the student in an engaging manner purposefully so that the children self learn from the book.

JUST START! You can always change up bits of it, and actually you absolutely will change parts. That is the wonderful thing about homeschooling, you can keep that parts that you love and are working well for your child’s and change the parts that aren’t!

Listed Below are some really good curriculum choices you can buy or get for free a complete school year curriculum. So you can start right now!

  1. Free Language Arts til 8th, Math til 6th The Good and the Beautiful
  2. Free online version All-In-One Homeschool
  3. Free Charlotte Mason method AmblesideOnline.org
  4. Free Khan Academy https://www.khanacademy.org/
  5. Free Open Learn https://www.open.edu/openlearn/
  6. Join Groups like (Christian based) Classical Conversations
  7. Do UNIT STUDIES use mainly Library books
  8. The Checklist: a Homeschool Curriculum Guide by Cindy Downs

SAMPLE SCHEDULE (Just an example of how we scheduled our day)
8:30-Bible Devotional
10:00- Math
11:00-Elective (gym, art, music, etc)

Cathy Duffy Reviews -She analyzes and give you all the pertinent information on each curriculum so you can choose what works best for you and your family.

Complete Curriculum
Master Books
My Fathers World
Compass Classroom

Where to Buy
Rainbow Resources
Christian Book Distributers
USED: eBay, Amazon

Homeschool Units
Free Unit Studies online DIY Homeschooler

History Curriculums
Homeschool Through The Woods

If I Could Start From The Beginning, I Would…
Do the Berean Builders Science and go through science and history together, art, music, important people inventions, create a timeline. Read through history. Even though this is an elementary level it is amazing. very easy to teach higher up.
and for history I would use The Mystery of History which teaching through history. Its very engaging and my kids loved it!

Join a Co-op, a homeschooling group that usually mets weekly and get together to learn and do field trips.

Take a month, a purposeful month off. Do different life skills and learning that isn’t traditionally taught. Unwind, deprogrammed then your children will be ready to get back and learn. Homeschool learning is different in that your children will Power learn. Their concentration will be better because there are less interruptions and no pressure. This frees them up to just have fun and learn. We were created to learn! Just think you don not have to teach a baby to turn over, crawl walk etc. it comes naturally. But I have noticed that at around 2nd grade my kids didn’t want to go to public school anymore. They didn’t enjoy learning as much as they did when they were younger because the school teaches in an artificial way. Kids shouldn’t learn about worms form a book, but from digging in the ground and moving leaves. Learning about their life cycle and natural environment by BEING in their natural environment not sitting at a desk with a paper about a worm. Take a break from traditional school and do: How to cook, shop, change a flat tire, sew a button, personal finances, cooking through the countries with music and map and read aloud book, read “Carry On Mr Bowditch” aloud, do banana DNA experiments, orienteering, how to make  a video game, art, singing, sports, movie making, story writing, Sign language, mental math, or magic tricks. Give your children a piece of paper and ask them what they would like to learn. It doesn’t have to be academic. My daughter put down “how to tell time without a watch”. Bring them food shopping and let them write down all the prices and add, let them figure out percentages. Get your house in order, figure out a chore chart and a once a week deep clean day. Let them learn how to ALWAYS pick up after themselves. I always said, “You are not done until everything is picked up and put away.” -when my kids were in public school we lost a lot of time so I ended up cleaning and doing everything, which isn’t really good. Your kids are going to be home all the time and the house is going to get super messy so they have to help! You are a team! Work together. Get outside as much as possible, go for walks every day, nature walks, beach walks, town & city walks, now is the time to go field trip crazy, look up and make a list of field trips in your area. Keep things simple: Read, Write, Math 👍Learn life skills. Read happy books, little women, Heidi, 180 Days Around the World, Chronicles of Narnia, 
Once you are ready to start schooling again, let the kids help pick out their curriculum. Take one day all all together and create a space for schooling (not their bedroom)Take another day and get supplies and have them get all their books together Make a schedule (will change along the way, it’s needed to understand timing and goals). Then start!

Put up a USA map Learn the states, put up a world map learn countries, read the constitution, play the constitution game, map puzzles, learn the Presidents. Get a time line. Do the Berean Science and go through science and history together, art, music, important people inventions, create a timeline. Read through history. Really learn things!